I woke up with a headache this morning, not a very typical situation for me but happens occasionally. My go-to for bodily pains is my meditation practice, because, for me, 97% of the time the pain is due to energy. So I got into my meditation chair… ooooh, my head was hurting. Then I began running through the energy mastery tools I have learned which form the foundation of my meditation practice.
I brought my attention to my first chakra (energy center at the base of the spine, known as the root chakra) and created a grounding cord – I released a tube of energy from this chakra and anchored it into the center of the earth, connecting my energy and body with the planet. (See Let’s Practice Grounding for more details on this process.) Once this connection was established… my body with mother earth… I could now begin releasing any energy from my body or any “stuff” or “junk” that needed to go.
AHHH, my body started to release and process out the foreign or stuck energy. AHHH, even from the top of my head and all through my head, the energy started draining south, down the grounding cord linking my body with the force of gravity inherent to planet earth.
Waa laa, my headache began to clear and clear and I began to feel SO much better.
Meditation Techniques for Your Daily Practice
I have experienced this exact scenario whether it was my head or another part of my body (stomach, sinuses, chest, back, etc.) many, many times. That’s one of the main reasons why I meditate. There are many benefits to my meditation practice, but feeling really good physically is high on the list. Actually meditation is my number one resource for feeling good and feeling healthy in my life.
Besides the grounding cord tool, there are more tools which I recommend you layer and use in order to have a transformative meditation practice. Some of the energy mastery tools, which I have discovered and now teach are:
1) grounding cord connection
2) replenishing from an unlimited spiritual source
3) centering awareness behind your eyes – finding the sweet spot
4) running energy through your energy channels
5) healthy protection
This is just the beginning. These 5 energy mastery tools are taught in the Energy Mastery 1 course (6 week class.) Then there’s Energy Mastery 2, Energy Mastery 3, Third Eye Mastery, and Crown Clarity! If you only took the Energy Mastery 1 course, you could walk away with intuitive energy tools powerful enough to change your life.
Learn Tried and True Meditation Techniques
I’ve dedicated my life in the last 8 years to mastering powerful meditation techniques, spiritual awareness processes and developing my intuition. I was so sweetly surprised that there were schools here in California in which I could go through serious training when I moved here in 2006. Now I teach similar techniques, concepts and practices, which have been so transformative for me, at my own school Energy Arts Academy but with my twist 🙂 We are located in San Diego, but have many online meditation classes and intuition development classes to choose from too.
I have brought roughly 100 people through in-person classes, online meditation classes, one-on-one coaching sessions, and workshops over the past 3 years. And a dozen of those students have studied with me for two years or more, progressing through all the levels of courses at Energy Arts Academy. I have seen lives change, problems disappear, quality of life shift for so many, and miraculous healings occur. Yet more than the miraculous, it’s the fact that many of the students have adopted a daily discipline of meditation. This excites me most. I get to witness as others transform their lives from the inside out with tools that will last a lifetime.
For More Information On How to Meditate and Develop Your Intuition
I want you to be able to feel good in your body, reconnect to your vitality and creativity, heal from within, release the stress and pain, shift aspects of your life which are stuck. This is my purpose and my mission to share with you what’s worked for me and to help you live the most creatively fulfilling life. AND, to feel really good in your body.
If you would like to stay in touch with what we’re doing at Energy Arts Academy, I suggest you join our Savvy Souls newsletter on the top right hand side of the homepage here. There are a lot of new classes starting and every two weeks, I offer a 60-minute free meditation. I also send out links to those recordings too.
And you can fill out the online contact form to get in touch with me about a one-on-one spiritual coaching session or an intuitive reading.
p.s. I’d really like to know what issues you would like help with in your body or your life. I’d also like to know if there are any meditations you are interested in. I LOVE creating unique meditations to help people get specific results. Feel free get in touch with me with that info.